Very Velma Variety Show: Birthday Party!
August 7, 2022 (Sunday)
Open: 7:00pm
Show Start: 7:30pm
Tickets: 3500yen(+1 Drink)
会場オープン: 19:00
ショー開始: 19:30
チケット料金: 3500円(+1 ドリンク)
Bar Theatre Ludo @bar_theatre_ludo
ミドウ心斎橋ビル 5F
Femminina (@femminina1125)
UNO (@unoburlesk)
Showta Oricci (@showtime_showta)
Sera Tonin (@yeah_im_good_thanks)
Kira Kira (@kirakira_ofcl)
Tomedo (@tomedor_dare)
Topher Saint (@tophersaint73)
To reserve a ticket, please send an email with your name and the number of tickets you would like to reserve to If you would like to change the number or tickets you have reserved or cancel your reservation, please use the same email.
チケットの予約方法ですが、予約者お名前と人数をメールでご連絡下さ。 同じメールアドレスでご予約内容の変更ができます。人数変更・予約の取り消しができます。
Things to Know:
Please do not arrive earlier than the venue open time. There is not space outside to wait in line.
The event is general admission, so please be courteous of everyone’s space.
感染对策 •要請事項
Infection Prevention Protocol
• マスクの着用をよろしくお願いします。
• Please wear a mask.
• 咳, くしゃみのエチケットをお守りください。
• Please observe the etiquette of coughing and sneezing.
• 当日の檢温、手洗い、手指消毒にご協力ください。
• Please cooperate with temperature measurement, hand washing and hand disinfection on the day.